Contact management

The management of contacts via the EPP Gateway allows for easy checking,  creation, deleting, and updating of domain contact handles.

Domain management

Once a session is established the complete set of domain management commands can be issued from checking domain(s) availability, creating a domain, updating a domain’s objects, to even deleting a domain. EPP commands issued to the EPP Gateway are process in REAL-TIME and responded back to the client.

Session handling

To start an EPP Gateway session, the client must send a “login” command using valid credentials. An EPP Gateway session is closed by sending a “logout” command or simply by closing the TCP connection. After an initial greeting, clients can always query the Gateway by sending a “hello” command.


EPP over TCP

Connections must be created using TLS/SSL over TCP, to the respective live/test environment. Upon the establishment of a connection (client and server TLS/SSL handshake) the EPP Gateway server will send a greeting message to the client. Gateway pings by sending a “hello” command will also generate a greeting message back to the client.

Each EPP XML request must be encoded in UTF-8, and pre-pended by a 4 byte header, describing its total length in octets in network (big-endian) byte order.

Introduction into EPP

The EPP Gateway provides a strict RFC EPP compatible protocol for .ST ccTLDs.
ST Registry provide both – sandbox access for testing purposes and production environment for working with live registrar repository.
Access to both platforms can be obtained from the registrar console.

Introduction into REST API


What is REST API? To make it simple, REST API defines a set of functions to which the developers can perform requests and receive responses. The interaction is performed via the HTTP protocol. An advantage of such an approach is the wide usage of HTTP. That is why REST API can be used practically for any programming language.

Domain dispute

During domain registration registrants agree to be bound by the current policy of the Domain Council of Sao Tome and Principe.

* Registrants agree that the conflicting parties in a domain name dispute must bear all costs of the matter – including the cost from the ST Domain Name Registry and / or the Domain Name Council of Sao Tome and Principe. Registrants must also bear any other costs related to that dispute. There is a standard fee of 1000 euro from the complaining party, to get the dispute tested.

* In the event of a trade mark conflict we look at the context in which the argued “trade mark” is used together with a domain name. We look at the actual content of the web-site. Example: A website that criticize for example a Telco for bad Internet connections and support – and also contains genuine real editorial material, may under certain conditions bear the same domain name as the criticized company and / or TM (trademark).

* If the registered domain name only is used in a context where it commercially exploits the TM for own profit, or just passively holds the domain name out of pure speculation – it will immediately be terminated. * Domain Mark is protected by local presence: If there is a local connection to Sao Tome and Principe in a registered domain name – it will be strongly protected. Such domains are companies or individuals with a present or registered business in Sao Tome and Principe.

Billing plans

ST Registry provide 4 billing levels where each level have own requirement for ST Partner:
LEVEL0 Requirements: 0-49 domains portfolio
LEVEL1 Requirements: 50-149 domains portfolio
LEVEL2 Requirements: 150-349 domains portfolio
LEVEL3 Requirements: 350 or more domains in registrar portfolio

Memorandum of agreement

By and Between ST Registry and ST Partner

This Memorandum of Agreement is entered between Bahnhof ST Registry, Box 6220, 10234 Stockholm, Sweden (registry service at URL ) appointed as ST Registry by IANA / ICANN, and .ST Domain Partner.

Activation of agreement:

This agreement between ST Registry and ST Partner is valid The Date ST Partner initiates the service by performing first invoice payment (online or wire payment) after ST Registry approves application submitted by ST Partner.


ST Registry deliver notifications through 3 independent channels:

  1. API
  2. Registrar console
  3. Email/URL notifications (optional).