Message polling


Discover and retrieve service messages from the EPP Gateway.

1. Poll Message queue

The EPP <poll> command is used to discover and retrieve service messages queued by the EPP Gateway. Each response returned from the server will include a server-unique message identifier, which will be required for acknowledging the receipt of a message. A counter exists to indicate the number of messages in the queue. After a client has received a message, the client MUST respond to the message with an explicit acknowledgement to confirm that the message has been received to make the next message in the queue (if any) available for retrieval.

The <poll> command MUST be represented as an empty element with no child elements. An “op” attribute with value “req” is REQUIRED to retrieve the first message from the server message queue.


2. Acknowledge Message

After a client has received a message, the client MUST respond to the message with an explicit acknowledgement to confirm that the message has been received to make the next message in the queue (if any) available for retrieval.

The <poll> command MUST be represented as an empty element with no child elements. An “op” attribute (with value “ack”) and a “msgID” attribute (whose value corresponds to the value of the “id” attribute copied from the <msg> element in the message being acknowledged) are REQUIRED to acknowledge receipt of a message.


3. Notification message types

There is totally 10 events which will generate message in a queue:

  1. Domain expired
  2. Domain entered redemption period
  3. Domain deleted
  4. Insufficient funds to complete operation
  5. Balance low
  6. Automatic invoice
  7. Unpaid invoice reminder
  8. Transfer request
  9. Transfer successful
  10. Transfer rejected
  11. Transfer canceled
  12. Transfer forbidden

3.1. Domain expired

This message is generated when domain gain status serverHold when it reach expire date.

Example of EPP Response for this message type:



3.2. Domain entered redemption period

This message is generated when domain gain status redemptionPeriod which occurs 40 days after expire event occurred.


Example of EPP Response for this message type:



3.3. Domain deleted

This message is generated when domain completely removed from ST Registry repository and became publicly available for registration.


Example of EPP Response for this message type:



3.4. Insufficient funds

Message “Insufficient funds to complete operation” is generated if any operation which generate billing transaction was not completed due to the billing exception (insufficient funds on registrar balance to complete operation).


Example of EPP Response for this message type:



3.5. Balance low

This warning message is generated by ST Registry if registrar balance is below defined limit. Balance limit is calculated on monthly basis and calculate total number of funds needed to renew domains within next 3 months + number of domains registered during past 3 months. Resulting balance limit should cover hypothetic possible operations during next 3 months. Balance is compared with limit on a daily basis and if its goes below defined limit – corresponding message is generated by ST Registry.


Example of EPP Response for this message type:



3.6. Automatic invoice

This message is generated when ST Registry create automatic invoice basing on current registrar balance and balance limit calculated in message “3.5 Balance low“.

Example of EPP Response for this message type:



3.7. Unpaid invoice reminder

This message is generated as a reminder for unpaid invoice(s).

Example of EPP Response for this message type:



3.8. Transfer request

This message is generated for the loosing ST Registrar when a transfer request is issued for any domain. Transfer status in this case gain “pending” value.


Example of EPP Response for this message type:



3.9. Transfer successful

This message is generated for the gaining ST Registrar when a transfer request for a domain was accepted by loosing ST Registrar or if transfer request was automatically approved by ST Registry (in case of inactivity by loosing ST Registrar for 7 days).

“paResult” attribute gain a positive Boolean value which indicate that request has been approved and completed. Transfer status in this case gain “clientApproved” value.


Example of EPP Response for this message type:



3.10. Transfer rejected

This message is generated for gaining/requesting ST Registrar when a transfer request for a domain was rejected by loosing ST Registrar.

“paResult” attribute gain a negative Boolean value which indicate that request has been rejected. Transfer status in this case gain “clientRejected” value.


Example of EPP Response for this message type:



3.11. Transfer cancelled

This message is generated for the loosing ST Registrar when a transfer request was initiated but cancelled by gaining/requesting ST Registrar before transfer was completed.

“paResult” attribute gain a negative Boolean value which indicate that request has been cancelled. Transfer status in this case gain “clientCancelled” valued.


Example of EPP Response for this message type:



3.12. Transfer forbidden

This message is generated for the gaining/requesting ST Registrar when the registry reject a transfer request for a domain. This might occur when domain status forbid transfer operation.

“paResult” attribute gain a negative Boolean value which indicate that request has been rejected. Transfer status in this case gain “serverRejected” value.


Example of EPP Response for this message type: