

1. Domain collections

To simplify domain portfolio management for each registrar – ST Registry has implemented “Domains collection” extension. Extension is supposed to simplify synchronisation between Registrar local database and Registry repository.

1.1 Info

Purpose for the “Info” command is to simplify querying domains collection by “walking” through it partially. Info command return number of domains in Registrar portfolio.


1.2 Query

Query command for DomainCollection extension provide possibility to query Registrar domains partially from its collection.

Request should contain 2 attributes:

  • limit – identify how many domains we are querying
  • offset – position from which we are querying domains. Collection count start from 0 (zero) position, this mean that first domain in collection have position 0 (zero)

In example request below we are querying 2 domains with position #101 and #102 in our collection:



2. Registrar info

Registrar info extension provide possibility to fetch current registrar details in ST Registry system.

Response on request below will provide information:

  • Registrar general details
  • Registrar contacts (administrative, technical and billing)
  • Billing plan details including balance, date since billing plan was assigned and billing rates.



3. Whois privacy

ST Registry require accurate contact details for every registered domain, this information is used in case a dispute arises about the domain name.This information is often displayed in the WHOIS system which is public and can be viewed by anyone. WHOIS Privacy extension should be used if registrant would like to hide domain contact information from a public view partialy or completely. This function is totally free of charge for every accredited ST Registrar. In other words – WHOIS privacy is used to “mask”/hide domain contact(s) with another contact or set of contacts defined by the current sponsoring domain registrar. Its up to the Registrar if he should use same privacy contact for all contacts and for all domains or if every domain should have own privacy contact or set of contacts. 

Since complete domain details can be fetched only by sponsoring registar while other registrar(s) are able to do it only through WHOIS info command (or request(s) to ST Registry WHOIS public servers), this mean that all regisrars except sponsoring registrar will be able to see only privacy contact details if such contact(s) was defined for domain using Whois privacy command.

WHOIS public servers respond identical domain details to WHOIS query command.

Example for Domain info command response for domain with privacy contacts:


3.1 Create

Command create privacy contact for one or more contact(s) (in this example we assign privacy contacts for all 4 contacts: registrant, admin, billing and tech contacts):

Successful response:

3.2 Update

Command update privacy contact for one or more contact(s):

Successful response:


3.3 Delete

Command delete remove all privacy contacts from corresponding domain.

Delete command request example:

Successful response:


4. Whois info query

ST Registry has developed Whois info extension for EPP Gateway to simplify domains management by accredited registrars.

Domain details fetched with Whois info command is completely identical to one that is retrieved from ST Registry WHOIS public servers.

Request example:

Successful response:

Response example if requested domain not found: